The darkly intriguing “Room with No Windows” shows a lush sound from Pittsburgh-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Ryan Hoffman. The “if I don’t know,” dual-vocal presence entrances amidst trickling guitars and hypnotic percussion. The result is thoroughly meditative, a feeling further punctuated by the hazy guitar twangs thereafter. The jazzy percussive hints and trickling guitars in the final minute add to the serene charm, led elegantly by the vocal layers.
“I started with a guitar loop that now only plays in the chorus,” Hoffman says of the track. “We stripped back the song a good bit in the studio. The result is a nostalgic vibe that talks about letting go of preconceived ideas of how things will turn out – and to just focus on what is good and what is in front of you.”
“Room with No Windows” comes via Hoffman’s new album, A Spark Blown in the Breeze, streaming below: