Short Stuff 27 : Jicheon, Choi jin soul, Danpyunsun and the Moments Ensemble, Langit, Shin Yun Su, Youmiii, Lang Lee

Jicheon : I’m A Big Boy Now

“I’m A Big Boy Now” is a simple and unassuming mellow rock single by Jicheon. It’s got a basic configuration with a nice varied bridge but focuses on the song’s overall theme.

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Choi jin soul : DOWNFALL

Choi jin soul looks like she was a medium-sized YouTuber a few years ago. “DOWNFALL” has a lot of disjointed R&B and pop ideas. And there’s a bit of wandering in the song. It’s an interesting track that’s missing some direction.

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Danpyunsun and the Moments Ensemble

This is one of the best surprises in 2024. Danpyunsun returning to music in a collective to make weird music again. “Independent” is great.

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Langit : Past Midnight

It’s a strong vocal performance that’s overshadowing simple R&B pop instrumentals.

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Shin Yun Su : reply

Not sure if this is Shin Yun Su‘s standard composition, but “reply” sounds and feels like a comforting breeze and waves at the beach combined.

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Youmiii : From the Earth, to the space

On the surface, “From the Earth, to the space” is a by-the-numbers indie rock track. But underneath all the common themes and tones, there’s a thread that hints at something a few layers down. Youmiii needs to remove any artificial blocks and jump into the ideas that she has.

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Lang Lee : Names of Water

Regardless if you like Lang Lee‘s music or not, she is an important figure in Korean music. She’s a worthy artist to follow and view as a reflection of what creativity inside an overbearing industry can deliver.

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Written by Chris P for Korean Indie.

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