whiskey chicken party (위스키 계모임) : moon

With whiskey chicken party as a band name, you’d expect a rowdy rock band. But moon actually presents a mellow and smooth indie rock album. It’s a subterfuge that pays off.

I think that the four-piece have spent time and effort to polish their sound. I went back on YouTube and saw some 2022 performances and it sounds like whiskey chicken party went through a transition from blues and bluegrass to what the EP offers. You can hear the origins with “wave.” It doesn’t throw away the past and brings it forward through small embellishments.

The four songs result in almost 17 minutes of music and these are slightly longer songs. With the shortest at 3:32 and the longest at a second over five minutes, whiskey chicken party has a strong introduction. “moon” is the main single, but I personally like “If we are” the best. It brings a translated blues guitar solo about halfway through and it’s nice that they aren’t throwing out the work done before.

The female vocals do help center the overall sound and I don’t think the style would actually work with a lower pitch, like from a male voice. Soo-kyung‘s vocals remind me a bit of OOYHO and with the direction that she went on OOHYO Returns, moon serves as a great companion.

moon contains three slower indie songs and ends with an upbeat pop rock track. “that time” could be the transition between the older whiskey chicken party sounds with this new chapter. But “that time” sounds too much like a commercial pop track and takes away some from the other tracks. I hope that whiskey chicken party doesn’t venture too far in this direction.

I like the first three songs a lot and hope to hear more after this official debut, There’s a lot of open ground and direction the band can go.

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Written by Chris P for Korean Indie.

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