Albums We Didn’t Review 5 : Nuclear Idiots, miro, 0 Social Campus, Eumfy, panda is freedom, Closet Yi, Salamanda, Low Hanging Fruits, Oh Heejung,

Nuclear Idiots : CYBERPUNK 1999 Nuclear Idiots are keeping rock/rap alive in 2024. For a millennial, it’s a nostalgic ride. For anyone younger, it’s a collision of sound. I applaudContinue readingAlbums We Didn’t Review 5 : Nuclear Idiots, miro, 0 Social Campus, Eumfy, panda is freedom, Closet Yi, Salamanda, Low Hanging Fruits, Oh Heejung,

Short Stuff 31 : pylat, 0 Social Campus, 19990619, Lowell, st. peach bitches, Acid Rescues, sally everywhere, marine, cacophony, 1/N, Southern Terminal

pylat : ever While pylat‘s bio says she’s not tied to a specific genre, “ever” is an R&B and ballad single that shows off her vocals and careful composition. It’sContinue readingShort Stuff 31 : pylat, 0 Social Campus, 19990619, Lowell, st. peach bitches, Acid Rescues, sally everywhere, marine, cacophony, 1/N, Southern Terminal