whiskey chicken party (위스키 계모임) : moon
With whiskey chicken party as a band name, you’d expect a rowdy rock band. But moon actually presents a mellow and smooth indie rock album. It’s a subterfuge that pays
With whiskey chicken party as a band name, you’d expect a rowdy rock band. But moon actually presents a mellow and smooth indie rock album. It’s a subterfuge that pays
I am enjoying this expansion of traditional Korean instruments used in and alongside different genres. Rock and metal have had the biggest representation, but more artists use their skills to
8호실 peridot‘s R&B and hip-hop style instantly grabbed my attention. “Please” is a masterclass in audio and video combos. The song is simple and addictive with the music video’s rooftop
Synsnake : My Soul is A Wasteland I’m happy that Synsnake is bringing their style to interpret a Sanullim song but I really want new music from the band. It’s
After listening to Hayeon‘s Fever Dream a few times, I wonder if the mixing and mastering was a struggle. The debut EP is very strong, the six songs highlighting Hayeon’s