The Trouble Notes Release The Irresistible ‘Mayahuel’

The Trouble Notes - Mayahuel

Latin fusion meets a hymn to love and friendship in this catchy release from The Trouble Notes. 

The Trouble Notes – Mayahuel

Winter is coming, as a gloomy Northerner once said. To be truthful, winter is already here and I’m playing chicken with my flatmate over whether we turn the heating on or not. But at least with music, I can pretend I’m somewhere warmer, and that’s exactly what The Trouble Notes did for me, with their latest release ‘Mayahuel’. A sweeping violin, some Latin rhythms, and I’m ready for someone to pass me the cachaça.

You may understandably be wondering who or what a ‘Mayahuel’ is, and it’s quite a sweet story, actually. The Trouble Notes themselves are a Berlin-based group consisting of violinist Bennet Cerven, guitarist Florian Eisenschmidt, and percussionist Oliver Maguire, but Mayahuel is a Mexican deity and in this case a stand-in for the group’s friend Martha.

‘Mayahuel’ is a smooth genre-fusing instrumental track with a strong heart at the core of it, inspired by a friend’s immigrant story, blending of cultures, and pursuit of love.

(And all your friends got you for Christmas was a mug!) Though largely instrumental, the track is heightened towards the end by vocalist Carola Zerega, with a gutsy wail and improvised feel that lends itself well to this group’s jam-session, muso-y charm.

With its violin-led melody, lively percussion and sultry bass, the track sits nicely between Latin genres and jazz ones, with a classic retro feel that makes for very easy listening. Though it’s a pleasant surprise when the tempo picks up about a third into the song, turning it into something ripe for dancing. Fans of Piazolla, Caro Emerald and Rodrigo y Gabriela should find things to enjoy here, and there’s also an accompanying music video. It’s a little basic, but captures how enjoyable this group would be live. 

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Words Eden Tredwell

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