Carin León Plays ‘This or That’ | Billboard

Carin León plays ‘This or That’ with Billboard backstage at Billboard’s Latin Music Week 2023.

Carin León
What’s up? I’m Carin León and I’m going to play ‘This or That’ will Billboard.

[Horchata or agua fresca?]

Carin León

[Bachata or merengue?]

Carin León
That’s a hard one, I pick bachata. More sexy.

[Tacos al pastor or tacos de pollo?]

Carin León
Al pastor, definitely al pastor hands down. [Laughs]

[Baseball or soccer?]

Carin León
Soccer for sure.

[Empanadas or tamales?]

Carin León

[Mariachis or vallenatos?]

Carin León

[Tequila or mezcal?]

Carin León

[Spicy food or not spicy?]

Carin León
Picante, like Mexican. [Laughs] Mexican…Mexican sh–.

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