Chloe Bailey Serves Pixar Mom Curves With Mrs. Incredible Costume

Chloe Bailey is someone who absolutely never shies away from showing off her looks on social media. Throughout her most recent tour, she was always on social media, giving fans a glimpse of what she was putting on. Consequently, fans were very obviously excited to see what she would bring us for Halloween. After all, the spooky quasi-holiday is the perfect time to flex. Over the last few days, she has done just that. From Game Of Thrones to Catwoman, she has shown us a plethora of fantastic looks.

Since then, fans have been wondering if she would have a third look in her. After all, she had posted every single day except for Halloween itself. Well, just a few hours late, Bailey decided to show off her third and final look. In the Instagram post below, you can see that Bailey dressed up as Mrs. Incredible from the Pixar film, The Incredibles. This is an iconic character, and Bailey brought her to life with a latex leotard that is a one-for-one replica from the movie.

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Chloe Bailey Stuns For Halloween

Interestingly enough, Mrs. Incredible is an often-thirsted-over character on the internet. In fact, she is the character that helped coin the Pixar Mom Curves trope. Typically, in Pixar films, the moms always seem to have more curves than the average character. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that Bailey’s comments section was filled with people marveling at her portrayal. “This is so good i’m dead,” one person wrote. “One thing about Chloe is she always on point,” said another.

Needless to say, Bailey did a great job this Halloween. Only time will tell whether or not she can top herself next year. Let us know what you think of this costume, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the music world. We will always be sure to keep you informed on all of your favorite artists.

Read More: Chloe Bailey’s Hot Bikini Posts Aren’t Over Just Because Summer Is: Photos

The post Chloe Bailey Serves Pixar Mom Curves With Mrs. Incredible Costume appeared first on HotNewHipHop.

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