Lloyd Banks To Sell Upcoming Mixtape For $100

Lloyd Banks is making waves in the music industry once again. This time, he took to X to announce his new mixtape will be sold for $100. Engaging with fans on X, Banks revealed his unique approach to releasing Cold Corner 3. When a follower commented on the artist’s impressive output in 2021, which included April’s The Course of the Inevitable III: Pieces of My Pain and the recently dropped Halloween Havoc IV, Banks responded with an announcement that left fans intrigued. “It’s all good..CC3 won’t be on streaming sites..only available thru me for $100 then we’ll see if they back the talking up,” he shared.

While some fans raised concerns about the “crazy high” price tag in this economy, one fan humorously pointed out that they had been “waiting on that shit for a decade.” To this, the Queens, New York native playfully countered, “10 dollars per year..that’s not bad [crying face emoji].” It’s clear that Banks has put thought into this unique approach, and he’s aware of the buzz surrounding the project.

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Lloyd Banks Is Monetizing His Next Mixtape

It’s all good..CC3 won’t be on streaming sites..only available thru me for $100 then we’ll see if they back the talking up https://t.co/G6uR86fIQP

— Lloydbanks (@Lloydbanks) November 1, 2023

Banks drew inspiration from the late Nipsey Hussle’s playbook with this bold move. As some may recall, Nipsey set the precedent as the first to do this. He charged $100 for his Crenshaw mixtape a decade ago. Notably, Nipsey Hussle also made the project available for free download online. He generated about $100,000 in less than 24 hours after selling all 1,000 hard copies at a pop-up in Los Angeles.

Lloyd Banks is, in essence, paying homage to this pioneering spirit while also making a bold statement about the value of his music. By taking a page out of Nipsey Hussle’s book, he’s not only inviting fans to support his work but also sparking conversations about the changing landscape of music distribution and fan engagement in the digital age. As the release of Cold Corner 3 draws near, all eyes will be on Lloyd Banks to see how this unique experiment unfolds and whether fans will indeed back up their words with action by investing in this exclusive musical experience.

Read More: Lloyd Banks Reacts After Murda Mook Accuses Him Of Biting His Bars

The post Lloyd Banks To Sell Upcoming Mixtape For $100 appeared first on HotNewHipHop.

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