‘Snowdrop’ Actress Park Soo-ryun Passes Away

On June 11, 2023, 29-year-old actress Park Soo-ryun was declared brain-dead following a fall down a flight of stairs on a property in Jeju Island.

Park was scheduled to perform at an event on Jeju Island.

Park, primarily a musical actress, made her TV acting debut in Snowdrop (2021), which aired on Disney+. She debuted in 2018 in the musical Il Tenore, and appeared in the musicals Finding Kim Jong Wook, Passing Through Love, Siddhartha, and The Day We Loved.

Following her fall, authorities immediately rushed Park to the hospital, where life-saving measures ultimately failed. Park’s family opted to donate her organs to help save lives in need.

“Only her brain is unconscious, and her heart is still beating. There must be someone who desperately needs [organs]. As her mother and father, we can live comforted [by the thought that her heart] has gone to someone and is beating,” Park’s mother said.

Park’s funeral procession was held on June 13 at the funeral home of Suwon Hospital, Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center.

We send our condolences to Park’s family, friends, and colleagues.

—-Olivia Murray


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